Wall Art | Sacred Paintings
Mural of our local saint, the Venerable José Gregorio Hernández and also other religious murals. Mural de nuestro santo loca...
2 comentarios:
ArchitecTour: Mural Art
Some Art Buildings in Caracas, of those years when art used to hide some deficiencies of architectural esthetic.
7 comentarios:
Last Post: I love you Caracas
This is the last post of Caracas Shots photoblog, after 3 years and just 580 posts including this one. I return to Santiago, Chile, ci...
18 comentarios:
Slum Life | Antímano
The slums reality peeks through classrooms windows at Andrés Bello Catholic University . La realidad de los barrios marginales se asoma...
Wistful Trash | After Party
The discarded joy after a children's party. La alegría desechada después de una fiesta infantil. Click here to visit all posts Wi...
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